The major purpose of the study is to assess the challenges of decentralization in local government
system A case of Nugal Zone, Puntland Somalia in terms of organizational structure, leadership and
management, financial and human resource capacity, community participation, budgeting decision
making, stakeholder participation, legal, administrative ,political and policy environment and
technology capacity. Primary data were used inthe study. The researcher used primary data sources
such as questionnaire and in-depth interview. The researcher used census and there were 150
respondents but the analysis was done by 145 respondents‟ response. Descriptive method of analysis
such as mean, percentage and frequency were used to analyze the primary data.
The study found out that decentralization in local government decentralization in particular had not
been implemented adequately due to several reasons. It is challenged by many problems such as lack
of clearorganizational structure, lack of effective leadership and management, limited financial
resources and human resources capacity, lock of community participation, budgeting and decision
making, lack of legal framework ,administrative and policy environment and lack of political
environment and technology.
Hence, to make implementation decentralization meaningful and benefits of local government
decentralization to be realized, recommendations are made on clear organizational structure,
effective leadership and management, political commitments, legal and administrative frameworks,
capacity issues, accountability, transparency, financial, human resources and administrative
capacity and community participation and technology capacity