Introduction :- The management of labor using partograph is the standard way of
improving both maternal and perinatal outcome. It increases the quality and regularity of
all observations on fetus and the mother during labor and aids in timely recognition of
problems in both mother and fetus. [1-3]
Objectives:-The objective of this study was to assess the completion rate of partograph
recordings and its association with maternal and perinatal outcomes among women delivering
in Jimma University Specialized Hospital (JUSH).
Method:--A facility-based prospective descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in JUSH
from June- 01/2014 –August-30 /2014. In this study all women who were delivered in JUSH were
included and labor was monitored using modified WHO-partograph. Recordings of parameters
of labor in partograph, fetal outcomes (APGAR-score, NICU-admissions, still birth) and
immediate maternal outcomes (PPH, Tear, visceral injury….) were assessed using check lists
.The data were collected through face to face interview and observations of the partograph
recordings and analyzed by SPSS-window -20. Bivariate and Multivariate Logistic regression
was used. Variables having P<0.25 from bivariate analysis was included in multivariable logistic
regression analysis. Finally, statistical significance was declared at P<0.05.
Result:-Total of 318 partographs were reviewed using prepared checklist. Of the total
partograph reviewed only 20.4% of partograph had all parameters with standard recording. The
most unrecorded parameters were fetal skull molding-76.1% and most recorded uterine
contraction and cervical dilatation 93.7%.
Substandard Fetal heart rate, Recording of liquor status and Measurement of maternal body
temperature-monitoring have a significant association with adverse fetal (still birth, NICUadmission, Low APGAR-score at 5th-minute and Early neonatal death) perinatal and adverse
maternal (Postpartum hemorrhage, Sepsis, Chorioamnionitis. Tear, Death...) Outcomes.
Conclusion and Recommendation: - This study found high proportion of substandard partogram
recordings. Substandard recordings of fetal heart rate, maternal body temperature, and liquor
status were significantly associated with adverse fetal and maternal outcomes. Wide scale study
should be undertaken using this as base line .Supervisory mechanisms and on job training on
partograph use are important to improve labor monitoring and standard recording