This study was conducted in Hulet Eju Enesie, Goncha Siso Enesie and Enbse Sar Midir districts
of East Gojjam Zone with the aim to phenotypically characterize indigenous goat population and
their production system.Data were collected through questionnaire, focus group discussion, field
observation and measurements. A total of 180 households were selected purposively for
characterization of the production practices and 600 goats were sampled randomly for
phenotypic characterization of goat population. Data collected through questionnaire were
described by descriptive statistics using SPSS. Observation on qualitative traits of goats was
analyzed using frequency procedure of SPSS. Quantitative traits data were analyzed using
general liner model procedures of SAS versions 9.3(2014). The mean flock size of goats per
household was 12.78±1.22, 11.78±0.95 and 13.1 ±1.26 in Hulet Eju Enesie, Goncha Siso Enesie
and Enebse Sar Midir districts, respectively.The first objective of keeping goat in all districts was
income generation. Natural pasture (shrubs and bushes) and river water were the major sources
of feed and water, respectively both in dry and wet season in the study area. Almost half (56.7%)
of respondents in the study area used separate house with roof for their goats. Majority (73.3%)
of respondents practiced uncontrolled mating system.The main sources of breeding buck in the
study areas were own flock. In the study area,appearance, growth rate and color were the main
criteria’s for selection of breeding bucks whereas appearance, litter sizeand growth rate were
criteria’s for selection of breeding does. The overall mean age at first mating for the female
goat’s were 7.53±0.06 month and for male 7.26±0.06 month, age at first kidding 12.62±0.06
month, average reproductive life time of doe 7.36±0.09 year and average kidding interval
8.06±0.06 month. The most dominant coat color patterns in the sampled populations were plain
and patchy with the most frequently observed coat color type being light red, white with red and
white color. Sex of animals had significant effect on all of the body measurements, except ear
length, chest depth, and rump length and width. Enbse Sar Midir district had significantly higher
body measurement values than other districts. Dentition had significant differences on body
weight and most of the linear body measurements. Correlations among body weight and linear
body measurements were positive for both sexes. The result of the multiple regression analysis
showed that heart girth explained more variation than any other linear body measurements in
both does (71%) and bucks (82%). The prediction of body weight could be based on regression
equation BW = -37.93 + 0.92CG for female sample population and BW= -44.47 + 1.02CG for
male sample goat population. To sustainably utilize these goat population the production
constrains should be solved and selective community based breeding strategies should be
designed and implemented.