Spring and ground water is a major source of water for drinking and domestic use. The availability of good quality water is an indispensable feature for preventing diseases and improving quality of life. Therefore, this study was to determine some physico-chemical parameters different water samples (spring, tap and well water) and which was collected from different eight sample site in Yayu Woreda including Yayu town, Geci, and Bondawo. It is necessary to know details about different physico-chemical parameters such as, temperature, hardness, pH, chloride, alkalinity that are used as measures of water quality. Physico-chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, DO and EC were measured in the field. Nitrate and phosphate of the water samples were determined using Spectrophotometer and heavy metal determined by ICP-OES. Chloride, Total hardness, total alkalinity and COD were also determined by titration method. The mean average physico-chemical and the metals in water samples were in range; DO (1.89±0.21 to 6.72±0.35 mg/L ), turbidity (1.40±0.04 to 60.57±2.27 NTU), total alkalinity (40.00±0.50 to 99.92±0.63 mg/L), total hardness (101.67±2.89 to 401.67±1.53 mg/L), Cl -(143.18±1.39 to 247.85±0.98 mg/L), TDS (34.80±1.07 to 262.47±1.95 mg/L), NO 3 -( 0.022±0.01 to 0.114±0.00 mg/L), PO4 3-(1.04±0.01 to 3.79±0.02 mg/l), COD (8.00±8.00 to 26.67±12.12 mg/L) F -( 0.42±0.01to 0.48±0.02 mg/L) , Fe (0.257±0.0010 to 1.244±0.0400 mg/L),Cu (0.061±0.0010 to 0.065±0.0001 mg/L), Zn (0.065±0.0001 to 0.182±0.0005 mg/l), Cd (0.004±0.0000 to 0.005±0.0011 mg/l) and Pb (0.028±0.0012 to 0.039±0.2800 mg/l). This study revealed that the physico-chemical variables such as temperature, TDS, EC, pH, fluoride, phosphate, nitrate, total hardness, chloride, total alkalinity, COD and heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) were lie within the permissible limit recommended by WHO guide line values. The level of concentration of Fe was above maximum allowable limit recommended by WHO guide line values.