Coffee is cornerstone in the Ethiopian economy. Coffee quality is affected by pre and post harvest
practices. Among these practices, processing method and roasting duration are the main ones. This
experiment was conducted to evaluate impact of processing method and roast duration on cup quality
of Arabica coffee during 2011/12 cropping. Ten years old coffee berry disease resistant three varieties
(744, 7440 and 74110) were used. The highest aromatic intensity (3.89) was achieved from dry
processed coffee roasted for six minutes. Moderately pointed (3.86) acidity was registered from washed
coffee roasted for eight minutes. Medium to moderately full (3.47) body was recorded for variety 74110
roasted for eight minutes. Flavor was significantly affected by the interaction of processing method
with variety and processing method with roasting duration. Maximum value (3.75) was recorded for
washed coffee roasted for eight minutes. The interaction between processing method and roasting
duration was highly significant (P< 0.01) on overall quality where washed coffee roasted for eight
minutes had the highest (3.64). Hence, cup quality of coffee affected by processing method, variety and
roast duration. At fixed temperature (200oC) and moisture content (11%) roasting dry and wet
processing coffee for six and eight minutes respectively and six to eight minutes for semi washed
coffee is advisable.