Background: Appendicitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the vermiform
appendix. It is classified as a surgical emergency and many cases require removal of the
inflamed appendix either by laparatomy or laparoscopy.
Objectives: To determine the incidence and management outcome of acute appendicitis in
Mettu Karl Hospital.
Methods: Retrospective review of hospital records of all 245 cases with acute appendicitis
surgically managed in Mettu Karl Hospital. From January 1, 2014 through December 30, 2016
Secondary data collected using structured check list, checked for its Completeness, entered,
edited, cleaned and analyzed by SPSS version 16.1. Descriptive analysis used to describe sociodemographic variables and logistic regression carried out to see the effect of independent
variables on outcome of acute appendicitis. Significant factors were reported at p< 0.05. The
result presented using text, tables and graphs.
Results: 245 patients were operated for acute appendicitis. Of whom there were 150(61.2%)
males and 95(38.8%) females giving male to female ratio of 1.57:1. Abdominal pain main
presenting compliant in 245 (100%) and right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness the dominant
physical finding in 201(82%) of these patients. Appendectomy done for 173 (70.6%) patients.
The predominant postoperative complication postoperative wound infection in18/245 (7.4%).
The average length of hospital stays 6.5 days. Age of patients has statistically significant
association with risk factors of (AOR=4.167, 95% CI: 5.212-3.332 P-value=<0.000), those
patients whose ages <30 years were 4.167 times more likely to have affected when compared
with patients older than 30 years of age.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Acute appendicitis mainly affects the young population
group in the second decades of life and males are more afected.
Patients with fever and RLAQ mass should be assessed carefully preoperatively and post
operatively, moreover RLAQ mass better be evaluated and managed non- operatively.