The purpose of this study was to assess coach’s leadership style determinants with player’s motivation in Ethiopian male premier league clubs. Cross-sectional study design was employed. 14 players from each club and 201 players totally from all clubs were selected using simple lottery method and their sample size was determined by krejcie and morgan (1970). The instrument were used for this study was a Leadership Style Questionnaire developed by Peter, (2009) to assess the leadership style of coaches and the sport motivation scale questionnaire developed by Luc, et al., (1995) to determine players motivational climate. Player’s motivation: -taken as dependent variables throughout this study. Which is measured by player’s motivational scale by Luc, et al., (1995)? Coaching leadership styles was considered as independent variables, which affects player’s motivation which is measured by peter (2009). Descriptive statistics, such as median, mode, histograms, bar chart, line graph frequency polygon, Spearman rank order correlation coefficient, and multivariate Roy’s largest root tests and The level of significance was set at p-value < 0.05 levels. The abovementioned analysis in disagreement with independently exercising leadership style such as autocratic and democratic and lassiez fair couldn’t brought significant change on football players motivational changes. Whereas, fruitful result was observed when mixed leadership style has been used, so that autocratic and democratic style have a positive influence on players motivation, autocratic and Lassiez fair have a positive effect on player’s motivation, Democratic and lassiez fair have positive effect on players motivation. Finally, autocratic and democratic and lassiez fair have a positive effect in bringing positive player’s motivational scale. This finding suggested that mixed autocratic, democratic and lassiz fair leadership style positively influence football players motivational scale. Therefore, coaches should use them independently based on the situation and condition they could phase.