Background: Voluntary HIV counseling and Testing (VCT) is a process by which an individual
undergoes counseling to enable informed about HIV status.This Voluntary counseling and
testing (VCT) is a corner stone for successfulimplementation of prevention, care and support
services among HIV negative and positiveindividuals. VCT is also perceived to be an effective
strategy in risk reduction among sexually active young people. However, despite the benefits of
VCT and the risks of HIV infection they are faced with, earlier studies indicate limited VCT
utilization by adolescents. It is therefore important to understand the factors that
influenceadolescentsdecision to test for HIV in order to inform the design of strategies to
increase VCT utilization among this population category.
Objectives:The purpose of the study is to assess adolescent students‟ knowledge and attitudes
towards voluntary counseling and HIV testing services
Methods:-A school-based cross-sectional study was conducted from 9th -11th March,2015 among
559 adolescent students making 99.6% response rate inMettu town high schools, Oromia
regional state, using self- administered structured questionnaires.Data was enteredusing Epi-Data
version 3.1 andthen analyzed using SPSSversion 16.software. Binary and multi variable logistic
regression done and the results were reported using OR and P. value, frequency tables, and chart.
Result:The findings revealed that 79.80% of students were knowledgeable about VCT services;
63.3% had favorable attitude towards VCT and 25.90% utilized the services and suggested that
VCT services should be located in schools and youth clubs for better access by adolescents.
Mass media were the primary sources of information cited by the participants.Multi variable
logistic regression analysis with AOR showed significant association of sex, male students had
utilized VHCT service about 1.80 times (1.17, 2.78) than female students. And also grade ten
students about 1.98 times (1.29,3.04), knowledgeable students about 3.45 times (1.67,7.11), high
HIV infection risk perceived students about 1.85 times (1.16,2.94) and students with
neardistance of VCT center to their vicinity about 3.78 times (2.17,6.56) utilized VCT service
than those grade nine, not knowledgeable, low HIV infection risk perceived and distant VCT
center students respectively at 95% CI and P. value <0.05.
Conclusion & Recommendation:Even though considerable number of the students were
knowledgeable about VCT service, its utilization was very low. Voluntary counseling and testing
utilization was influenced by sex, grade level, knowledge of VCT, personal risk perception and
distance of VCT centre .The findings of the study clearly indicated a need for more action to
increase voluntary HIV counseling and testing services utilization ofadolescent students