PE is an education course related to the physique of the human body. It is taken during primary and secondary education and encourages Physico-motor learning in a play or movement, exploration sating to promote health (http//education, State.university.com.) this study is aimed to This study was conducted in Lare district (Kuergeng, Kutugn, Mangok high schools) Of Nuer Zone, Gambella Regional State. In order to collect data on challenges of female student participation in foot ball practical class. Total of 32items for the respondent having of21 close ended 11 open ended was prepared. Identify the major problem that hinders female student’s participation in teaching and learning process of football, indicate the importance of sport equipment’s and facilities for the participation and development of female student and suggest a possible measurement and forwarding necessarily recommendations for concerned bodies in this study descriptive survey study was used to achieve these purpose 183 from those 168 are female students,12 of them are teachers and 3 of them are school adiminstireters. Those samples are taken by simple random sampling technique. The data which are gathered from teacher, students and school administrators through interview, observation and questionnaires was analyzed interpreted and discussed. The quantitative data were analyzed by statistical software analysis. The quantitative data collected through open ended and close ended questions which are entered into computer described in terms of percentage, and frequency. Finally, the qualitative data was the finding of this study there are a lot of challenges that hinder female student’s in football practical class depending on the data analysed, lack of role model teachers players, lack of sport facility and equipments, socio- cultural influence lack of awerness, lack of knowledge about the benefit of practice and low awareness of the family of female student. For farther improvement teacher should be good role model for the student, the society, teacher and family should be encourage female students, the concerning body should be provide sport material and facilities the program must be designed to develop the interest of female students to help and improve in football practical class.