Background: Integrated community case management of childhood illness (ICCM) is one
of the important intervention to decrease the under-five morbidity and mortality at
community level. Ethiopia is one of the country with highest under five mortality rate, 2016
Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey key indicators report show that the under five
children mortality rates are 67deaths per 1000 live births in 2016.
Evaluation Objective: To evaluate the implementation of ICCM program in soro woreda
in 2017.
Methods and Materials: Case study design with quantitative and qualitative data
collection employed with all selected health posts in soro woreda from March 01/2017 to
March 28/2017. The evaluation dimensions were availability, compliance, and
Acceptability. Data were collected with structured and semi -structured questionnaire.
Quantitative data was entered in to epi-data and exported to SPSS version-20 and
Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were done to determine the predictor of
caregiver satisfaction. The qualitative data was analyzed manually using thematic analysis.
Results: All health posts have trained health extension workers, Guideline and both
registration books had available. However essential drugs stock out were still main issue in
majority health posts. In the case of compliance from those observed 69 cases 50(72.5%)
were checked for general danger signs and 46(66.7%), 48(69.6%,), 26(37.7%) and
59(85.5%) was correctly classified for pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and malnutrition
status according to national guidelines respectively. The overall judgment score of
caregiver satisfaction fallen under category of GOOD in score of 70.95%.
Conclusion and Recommendations: the overall implementation of integrated community
case management in selected health post was GOOD with the overall achievement in three
dimensions’ score was 74.54%. It is also recommended that, the woreda health office
integrate with zonal health department and other partners timely solve essential drug
shortage and Its also Woreda health office and health centers conduct only program
specific regular supportive supervision and performance review meeting and health
extension workers also improve chart booklet using habits for any assessment,
classification, treatment and follow-up of sick under five children