Background: -Individual food insecurity at the household level results from the interaction
of a wider range of factors. These factors influence the amount and type of food which
households are able to produce or purchase, and the ways in which these foods are utilized
within the household. Adolescent nutrition is given less attention in nutrition policies,
strategies and programs of low income countries; which might explain the high prevalence
ofboth acute and chronic malnutrition among adolescents in developing countries.
Objective: -Prevalence of Adolescent Food Insecurity and Associated Factor among Coffee
Producing Woredas in Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia.
Methods: - Community based cross-sectional study was employed in coffee producing
Woredas in Jimma zone, south west Ethiopia from April-May 2015. A total of 550 household
having adolescents were included. In this study, multi-stage sampling procedure was
employed to select sample households. Data were entered, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS
Version 20.Bi-variatewith a p-value < or = 0.25 were considered candidates for multivariable
logistic regression and p-value < 0.05 was considered as a cut-off point to determine
statistical significance. Ethical clearance was obtained from concerned body.
Result: - Sixty percent of adolescents (60%) were found to be food insecure whereas
prevalence of household food insecurity was 75%. Female sex of adolescent (P<0.001),
Household food insecurity (P<0.001), female sex of household head (P=0.002), high
dependency ratio(P=0.001) were positively independent predictors of adolescent food
insecurity while educational status of household head and own land for farmwere negatively
associated with adolescent food insecurity.Majority of the respondent (92.2%) report
seasonality of food scarcity during April- Jun which is during data collection period
Conclusion and recommendation: - Even though there is long-held belief that cash cope
farmers are better off than non-cash crop farmers in food security because of high income
they generate, this study highlighted the problem of food insecurity in coffee producing
farmers. High prevalence of household and adolescent seasonality food scarcity occurred in
average of three months namely April, May and Jun.This calls for the development of direct
nutrition interventions targeting adolescents (like school feeding program should be an
integral component of food security intervention in study area) to promote catch-up growth
and break the intergenerational cycle of malnutritionby Improving multisectoral interventions
approach to address multifaceted causes of food insecurity.