Background: Chronic kidney disease patients are at risk of drug related problems that are
associated with increased morbidity, mortality, impaired quality of life and increased healthcare
Objective: To determine prevalence of drug related problems and associated factors among
chronic kidney disease patients admitted to Jimma university medical center from April to
September 2018.
Methods: Prospective general cohort study study was conducted among 103 CKD patients
admitted to Jimma university medical center from April to September 2018. Data regarding
patient characteristics, medications, diagnosis, length of hospitalization and laboratory results
were collected through review of patients’ medical charts. Data were analyzed by using
Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0. Univariate and multivariate logistic
regression was utilized to assess the associations between dependent and independent variables.
Statistical significance was considered at p-value <0.05.
Results: Out of 103 study participants, 81(78.6%) of patients had DRPs, on average 1.94 ± 0.873
DRPs per patient. The rate of overall DRPs was 30.95 DRPs per 100 medication orders. The
most common DRPs among CKD patients were: need additional drug therapy 62 (31%), nonadherence 40(20%) and dose too low 36(18%). The most common causes of need additional
drug therapy 52(26%) were because of untreated medical conditions, non-adherence 19(9.5%)
the patient/caregiver forgets to take/give the medication and dose too low 29(14.5%) were
because of the dose is too low to produce the desired response. Poly-pharmacy (AOR= 4.695,
95% CI: 1.370.-16.091), number of co morbidities (AOR=3.616, 95% CI: 1.015-1.8741), and
stage of CKD (AOR= 3.941, 95% CI: 1.221-12.715) were independent predictors for DRPs.
Conclusions: Drug related problems were high among chronic kidney disease patients. The most
common DRPs were need additional drug therapy and non-adherence. Poly-pharmacy and co
morbidities were independent predictors for DRPs. Interdisciplinary health professionals should
work to decrease the high prevalence of DRPs among chronic kidney disease patients.