Administration of therapeutic injection is among the most frequently performed medical procedures in the healthcare sector. Most of
the injections are unnecessary, ineffective or inappropriate and result in transmission of infectious disease. The aim of the study was to
determine the prevalence and perception of the patients and health care providers of therapeutic injection. A descriptive study where
data was collected from inpatient, outpatient and health care providers was conducted from February to March 2010 in Holeta town. A
structured questionnaire for patients and health care providers was designed to assess the frequency and perception of patients of the
therapeutic injection use. The data was edited and were entered in Epi Info Version 6.0 and analysis was conducted using statistical
package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16.0. A total of 200 patients, 10 health care providers were participated. Eighty four (42%)
of the patients preferred injection for their illness. Twenty three (31%) patients believed that injections were quicker acting than oral
medications. Seventy five (37.5%) of the patients thought that injection was more effective than other dosage forms, while 83 (42.5%)
said injection and other dosage forms were equally effective. Most (93) of the patients (46.5%) thought that unsafe injections could
transmit a fatal disease, 62 (31%) did not know any risk associated with inappropriate injections, and 55(24.5%) thought that used
needle could not transmit disease. The health care providers believed that diseases which were better treated with injection medication
were pneumonia, tonsillitis, urinary tract infection, tuberculosis, acute febrile illness, meningitides and severe pain. The study revealed
that the frequency of the therapeutic injection use in health facility was low. Most people, in general, do not have preference for
injection. Most of the study participants were aware that HIV infections could be transmitted through contaminated sharp tools.
However, health education to the community should be given to further increase the awareness of the people about HIV. The main
reasons reported for prescribing injection were severity of illness and when the patient cannot take oral medications. Training of health
workers on rational prescribing should be promoted.