The number of victims in Jimma Zone is 6389 by now and this is without including incountry trafficking victims. This paper was basically conducted to assess the legal and institutional frame work that governs human trafficking and smuggling in Ethiopia in particular the practice in Jimma Zone focusing on victim protection, rehabilitation and reparation. Accordingly, this study assessed issues related with victims protection notions, the contents of Proclamation No.909/2015, and institutional commitment towards counter trafficking and smuggling. Empirical method of legal research is a principal method employed in the furtherance of the paper. Thus, the major findings of this paper, depending on four Jimma Zone High Court decisions, eight interviewees from concerning government organs, three interviewees from victims, reports and other related materials analysis, revealed and echoed that victims protection is neglected by other aspects of trafficking so that victim oriented measures should be revisited and reconsidered. Along with this, the practice should follow the law.