Background: The complex development of the facial skeleton and the presence of odontogenic and others
tissue contribute to formation of a variety of multitude of neoplastic conditions, cysts, and others pathologic
conditions. Securing their healthy development and growth should be a major concern of all societies as
children represent a time ahead. Despite this there is null literature reporting the prevalence of oral and
maxillofacial pathologies focused in the pediatric population in Ethiopia. So this study has served as a
template and baseline for future study on this particular age group.
Objective: The intention of this study was to assess trend and pattern of oral and maxillofacial pathology
among pediatric patients visiting JUMC within 2015 - 2019. Method and Methodology: 5 year retrospective studies was conducted at Department of Maxillofacial, Jimma University. Records of all 133 pediatric patients visited maxillofacial clinic in JUMC from
September 2015- August 2019 was retrieved from record office. 113 cases were selected in this study.
Others were excluded due to inadequate information within the chart. Patient’s demographic data,
histopathological diagnosis and the anatomic sites of lesions were recorded. The lesions were broadly
grouped as benign and malignant. Data analysis was done using version 20 of SPSS computer program. Descriptive analysis were computed as frequency of lesions, distribution of age, gender, diagnosis, and
anatomical location of oral and maxillofacial pathologies in the pediatric patients. The collected data was
presented using tables and figure.
Result: In this study 70 cases were found in male and 43 cases were in female pediatric patients. The
highest frequency of lesions (43.3%) were observed in 12-16 years age group followed by 8-12 years old
age range. Most of the lesions are benign (105, 92.9%), only 8 (7.1%) cases were malignant.
Rhabdomyosarcoma (3 cases) is common malignant lesion followed by osteosarcoma (2 cases). Mucocele
(9), dentigerous cyst (8), hemangioma (7), ranula (7), nasal polyp (7), antrochoanal polyp (5), ossifying
fibroma (4) were the most common lesions among the benign lesions. The most common of which were
the maxilla (28, 24.8%) followed by mandible (25, 22.1%).
Conclusion: This study investigated the trend and pattern of these lesions in JUMC, Ethiopia which helps
to quantify & analyze the range of maxillofacial pathology in pediatric population. In addition it assist as
a point for a much needed population based study