The integration ICT projects in schools have the capacity to enhance the learning process and
facilitate communications within education institutions and between educators and learners.
However, although schools have had computers for almost two decades and some with ICT
projects underway, ways to use and implement them effectively have evolved slowly and patchily.
Research has revealed that projects involving ICT use and integration in the Jimma town
secondary schools have both internal and external challenging factors leading to weak
implementation of these ICT projects. The study was done in secondary schools in Jimma town
Ethiopia. The purpose of the study was to establish the factors influencing the Implementation of
Information Communication Technology (ICT) in public secondary schools in Jimma town. This
study was adopted the descriptive research design to establish the factors that influence the
implementation of ICT projects in secondary schools in Jimma town. Six secondary schools made
up the target population. All of schools of the total population were used in the study. Census was
used to allow full participation of the schools. There are 299 teachers in secondary schools that
made up the target population. 90 teachers were randomly sampled in each sample school to fill
the questionnaire. Three principals were interviewed to represent each category of schools.
Questionnaires, observation schedule and interview enabled the researcher collect data. The data
collected was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics
was used to present the results of the study and the general trends; this involved tabulating and
describing data. In generally, the study found that unavailability and inappropriate ICT
infrastructures, Lack of sufficient finances, school having no ICT policy, and Limited ICT
knowledge and skills. Therefore, to solve this limitation, the government should
collaborate with private sector and other stakeholders in the process of implementing
ICT project in schools. In addition, schools management should allocate funds for repair
and maintenance of the available ICT tools in schools and Schools should review their
strategic plans to include ICT policies with clear goals and objectives