The main aim of this study was to assess Factors Influencing Quality of URRAP projects in
some selected districts of Jimma Zone. To accomplish this objective, descriptive and
explanatory survey design was used which were supplemented by both quantitative and
qualitative data, the target population of this research paper was contractors, wereda rural road
authority employers, zone consultants, construction bureau experts, contractors members, zone
construction head office and zone rural road authority head office their total number is 83,
Sampling techniques of the study was census. The method of data collection was through survey
method and the tools are questionnaires, interview and document analysis. The data obtained
through questionnaire was analyzed quantitatively using descriptive, inferential statistical,
regression analysis and correlations were used to analyze using SPSS version 23, while data
obtained through interview were analyzed qualitatively. The major findings of the study
inadequate and experienced human resources on the owner side, lack of a prompt payment
system, an ineffective project management system, together with design error and omissions and
insufficient data for design by consultant and construction in predicting underground conditions
were some of the critical factors influencing quality of URRAP projects. The study establishes
that good communication of client, consultant, contractor and project stage of the project
team was found to enhance proper and quick project quality, Poor knowledge of project
management unable to walk or move properly project quality and supervision during
construction is significant to ensure excellence quality and timely delivery of project. The study
findings also showed that contractor in construction projects has an influence on its
quality. The study in addition establish that there was statistically significant and positive
relationship between clients, contractors, consultants and project stage and quality rate of
URRAP projects. As a recommendation, the government should be enforce to all clients in rural
road bureau understand the importance of quality standard and evaluations of contractors and
their organizations members to determine their level of factors deficiency of quality standards as
set as government regulations or regulatory body by public, private professional bodies and
government bodies to ensure successful quality of the rural road projects.