The objective of this research study was to investigate the effects of employee’s job
satisfaction on the turnover intentions in the Ethiopian mining industry, focusing on the
cluster of the north and north eastern Ethiopia’s large scale Mining companies. Census
survey was conducted out of all the estimated population of 152 employees of the stratified
mining companies in the selected cluster. The correlation data analysis showed that the
extrinsic factor, the ‘company policy’ has a significant negative impact on the effects of
employee’s job satisfaction in the selected mining companies of the target areas to the
turnover intention.
Based on the regression analyses of the data, ‘the company policy’ was high and negative in
the regression expression but there was no independent variable that made unique
contribution to the prediction of the turnover intention of the employees of selected mining
companies of north to northeastern Ethiopia.
It is suggested the management of the case study mining companies to take appropriate
attention and measures in addressing the factors of employee’s job dis- satisfaction with the
turnover intention which have shown statistically significant correlation as well as high beta
values of the regression analyses. It would be also good to further study on few of the
selected independent variables in similar clusters and other parts of the country’s mining