The objective of this study is to investigate factors affecting employee loyalty in Great
Abyssinia sululeta plant. This Research had been undertaken to examine the important
factors influencing employees' loyalty such as nature of work, carrier advancement and
recognition, employee benefit, relationship with supervisor & colleagues, and working
condition in the organization. The study used explanatory research design it studies a
situation or a problem in order to explain the relationships between variables .The sample
group used in this research consisted of 300 current employees of Great Abyssinia sululta
plant as the target group. The sample size of this study is 171 employees only 147 employees
responded. A questionnaire is used to collect data for this study, comprising closed-ended
question, Likert matrix questions. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
21 program is used for validity, reliability, correlation and regression analysis to examine
the relationship among dependent variable and independent variable. The findings of the
study indicated that factors like Career Advancement and Recognition, Employment Benefits,
Nature of the work, Relationship with their supervisors and colleagues and Working
Environment have a strong relationship with Employee loyalty, from the model summary of
regression analysis, the adjusted R square is 66.7 percent which indicates that Nature of the
work, Relationship with their supervisors and colleagues, Working Environment, and
employee benefit contribute to the variance of employee loyalty in the organization. Also the
study shows that they are significant to employee loyalty. The study drawn a conclusion from
research findings, Career Advancement and Recognition was found to have the better and
positive influence on Employee loyalty followed by Relationship with their supervisors and
colleagues, Working Environment, Nature of the work ,and employee benefit. Have
significant relationship with employee loyalty. The principle recommendation of study is a
greater understanding of employees’ needs will increase employee loyalty in the organization
,it will also helps to have a better business results, organizational growth, reduced employee
turnover and policy development, to support employee’s motives on work effectiveness to and
have greater employee loyalty.