Employees are a valuable resource that can contribute in various ways to some organizational
activities and its achievements. Employee’s performance depends on (hinges on) a productive and
accomplishing relationship between employee, their companies and their productivity. The issue
of employee satisfaction has been momentous in recent times to the development and
accomplishment of organizations‟ goals and objectives.
The aim of this study is to investigate the factors(variables) that affect employees’ performance or
the effect of working environment on employee performance, on CBE Jimma district city
branches. Employees are a valuable resource that can contribute in various ways to all
organizational activities and its achievements. Employee performance always relates to individual
satisfaction toward his or her work environment. The researcher utilized simple random sampling
to collect 164 questionnaires from CBE Jimma district city branches. Data collection was
conducted by using both primary and secondary source. Primary data was mainly collected using
standardized questionnaires consisting of closed ended questions with 5 point Likert Scale. The
collected data were quantitatively analyzed using SPSS to produce descriptive statistics and
regression analysis. These respondents were provided a questionnaire with five main construct
item. However, using correlation coefficient, the study found that organizational performance had
significant positive influence with four dimensions of independent variables. The result of
regression analysis found that all constructs had statistically significant, positive, and straight
effects with employee performance. The researcher recommends the following ideas based on the
major findings. The organization could be pay incentives, rewards must be based on the
individual’s performance achievements not on organizational performances; CBE should
recognize the importance of relevant training & development opportunities to its staff to help
work effectively and professionally; CBE use individual’s performance for decision making like
promotion, job rotation, training, compensation and transfers in spite of generalizing employee