Electronic banking is the use of electronic and telecommunication networks to deliver a wide
range of value-added products and services to the bank customers. The main objective of this
study was to examine the effect of electronic banking (as measured by POS, ATM, & Mobile
Banking) on financial performance of selected commercial banks in Ethiopia. The specific
objective is to measure the impact of electronic banking performance on ROA and ROE. The
targeted population of the study was 8 commercial banks in Ethiopia. The study employed
quantitative research design using secondary data extracted from annual reports of banks and
their respective websites. Both descriptive and inferential statistics, such as Pearson correlation
analysis, linear regression model & panel data were used to analyze the data.
The study found that there was positive association between the value of ATM and POS terminal
transaction with return on equity (ROE). While the association between value of mobile bank
transaction and return on equity (ROE) is found insignificant. With regard to ROA, the study
found that value of ATM transaction has negative and significant linear relationship.
The significance test of the models shows an overall explanatory power of the regression as 74.2
and 58.8 percent of variation in the ROE & ROA respectively, indicating that the combined
effect of the e-banking services in this research is statistically significant in explaining the
performance of commercial banks in Ethiopia. However, the statistical significance is different
for each e-banking component and coefficients of the control variables tested and therefore if
banks are to have meaning contribution to ROE & ROA, they should espouse to the multifaceted
forms of e-banking services.
Based on this summary of findings, the following main conclusions are drawn from the study.
Except Mobile Banking, most of e-banking services (POS & ATM banking) have positive and
significant relationship on performance to the ROE, whereas value of ATM has negative and
significant relationship. However, the relationship between value of Mobile & POS have found
in significant on ROA. This implies, an increase in all these e-banking services/products have
very weak performance impact in terms of their contribution to the profit (except POS) and the
investment made to them as measured by ROA of selected commercial banks in Ethiopia. Hence,
the study recommends that banks should maintain and give due attention to promote and
increase the use of POS product that has positive performance to their profitability, while giving
special emphasis to improve on the sluggish performance of mobile banking, so as to enhance
their contribution to the ROE. On the other hand, banks should strive their best so as to
maintain a balance between the investment on all their e-banking service/products and the
return on asset (ROA), so as to make the investment made on these products worthy enough.
Moreover, they need to measure the impacts of e-banking service/products to their financial
performance & strive to deter the bearings before pursuing on adopting the technologies that are
both negative and weak in terms of their profitability and investment contribution.