Motivation is one of the most critical elements in the area of Human Resources Management.
Companies design motivation systems not only to encourage employees to perform their best
in the most efficient way, but also to attract future candidates to apply for specific posts. To
be able to create an efficient motivation system, the key is to answer the question: What
really motivates employees in an organization? To this end, the purpose of this research is to
investigate factors affecting motivation amongst the employees of the company. Survey
questionnaires were undertaken among 224 employees of the organization to collect data
and analyze through correlation and multiple regressions using SPSS software. The study
was designed to employ cross-sectional studies. In this study, the descriptive and explanatory
research designs were also used to fulfill the objectives of the research. Accordingly the
study investigates and finds the thesis result; the key factors that contribute to employee
motivation are job satisfaction, reward and training and development; though the most
important factor that enhances employee motivation in AACRA Lot3 is job satisfaction,
besides the importance of the other three factors in this case should not be undermined.
Generally the Company should conduct periodical assessments on other factors not
incorporated in this study, because it can help to address the unsatisfied need of employee’s