Among the stake holders of a company, customers are the one and the backbone where their satisfaction
is directly related to the success of the company. The reverse works for a company whose customers are
under the sense of dissatisfaction where customers can easily switch to other alternatives if not timely
responded and handled. The general objective of this thesis is to assess the effect of motor claim service
quality on customer satisfaction of Ethiopian Insurance Corporation. The research design followed
explanatory with the data collection approach of mixed. Qualitative data collection was prepared for
selected managers with a face to face interview and quantitative for randomly selected customers using
self-administered questionnaires. The geographical location of the study remained in district A and
district B of the corporation in Addis Ababa. The data used descriptive statistics to illustrate the raw data
and used Pearson correlation and linear multiple regression for inferential statistics. The questionnaire
used for quantitative was based on adopting the service quality dimension (SERVQUAL model) taken in
consideration of the objective of the research and the data was analyzed using SPSS version 23.0.As the
findings of research showed, the gap models of service quality were negative. The relationship between
the dependent and independent variables were positive and strong. Reliability, assurance, responsiveness,
empathy showed a significant impact on customer satisfaction except tangibility which its impact was
insignificant. The research recommended the company to automate its documentation, to respond fast to
motor claimants, to serve its motor claimants with good communication and friendly manner, to have
competent and knowledgeable employees in motor claim by capacity building through trainings.