This study was conducted to explore practices and problems of secondary School Leaderships in
West Wollega Administrative Zone. To this effect, a descriptive survey method was employed.
Questionnaire and interview were used as data gathering tools. The data were collected from 8
secondary schools which are found in 4 woredas of the administrative zone. The schools and
woredas were selected by simple random sampling technique. Based on this, a total of 112
teachers were selected by simple random sampling technique. 15 principals and 5 WEOs were
selected by purposive sampling technique and the data were tabulated and analyzed using
percentage, mean, and t-test. The finding of the study revealed that majority of the principals
were not qualified in the position they hold currently and they were assigned to the position by
merits only without keeping the directives of MoE. As a result, the school leadership has
limitations in practices like supervision and curriculum development practices. Moreover
qualification and experience, organizing and situation related problems were the challenges that
secondary school leadership faced. Based on the above, keeping the directives set by MoE to
assign appropriate person to the position is necessary to let principals include themselves in
duties like supervising and visiting class rooms, extending the interest of the community,
avoiding problems related to qualification by arranging short and long term training were