Introduction: The single leading cause of child mortality and the most serious health issue in
the world today is malnutrition. It is a significant health issue for Ethiopian women and children
(including evaluation area). A multi-sector nutrition program called Growth through Nutrition
(GTN) attempts to hasten the decline in malnutrition. Evaluation was carried out during
implementation, and a majority of them placed a greater emphasis on process evaluation.
Different groups implemented various measures to prevent malnutrition, but the results of these
efforts were not assessed. Therefore, the focus of this evaluation is on the program's outcome.
Method: A quasi-experimental design with simple random sampling techniques was deployed.
The ratio of program and control group was 1:1. The evaluation data collection was done from
June 24–July 14, 2022. The approach of this evaluation was a summative approach, the focus
was outcome and dimension was effectiveness coverage. A non-program district with HEW and
health post during the program’s implementation period that is not adjacent to the district where
the program is being implemented. Data was coded and entered into SSPSS version 23 for
analysis after verification. To evaluate the data and show the results, descriptive statistics and
Chi-square test were utilized.
Result and discussion: This examination had 384 evaluation participants in total, with a 91%
response rate. With results of 89% and 76%, respectively, the proportion of mothers in the
program district who are knowledgeable about maternal and child nutrition was 13% higher than
in their non-program district, which has statistical significant association (P=0.000). In program
district, compared to non-program district, where it was 62% and 45%, respectively, the
percentage of mothers who provide a balanced diet for maternal and child nutrition has increased
by 17% (P=0.000).
Conclusion and recommendation: Overall, there was good improvement in mothers'
knowledge gaps on maternity and child nutrition between program participants and non-
participants. Practice revealed very positive improvements. Stockholders should concentrate on
enhancing and broadening the indications that result in improvement. Reconsidering an indicator
that has not improved is necessary