The purpose of this study was to assess the status of Gender responsiveness of biology textbook in
Ethiopian secondary schools of grades 9thand 10th text books. Quantitative content analysis
research methods was employed to be identifying gender biased in grade ninth-tenth biology
secondary schools text books. Observation checklist questionnaires used for data collection on the
status of gender responsiveness of textbooks. The important data required for the study was
obtained from primary data sources as Ethiopian secondary schools of grade ninth-tenth biology
text books taken as a sample. The data were analysed using both descriptive statistics (like
frequency and percentage). Counting of the whole texts and phrases reflecting male or female, man
or women, and boy or girls was the base data collection. The result was presented in the form of
tables and pictures. Similarly, there is a statistically significant difference between male and female
words or phrases. Based on the analysis of the data, it was found to be identified gender biased in
biology text books and gender in sensitive and heavily biased toward both male and female
numerically and qualitatively. With regard to the reasons that are attributed to gender related in
the status of gender responsiveness of text books, the finding shows gender biased or inequality in
all the components of text books .There f ore, from the findings of the present analysis was
understood that some gender issues that need to be considered .Based on the finding, the following
recommendations were forwarded. Policy makes, curriculum experts, designers, developers and
implementers and teachers will be attention and commitment in to action status of gender
responsiveness of text books in all evolving importance and remove gender inequality in the text
books components have to be integrated into gender issues and contribute to the gender balance.