Yalemsew Adela; Argaw Ambelu; Dejene A Tessema(2012)
In Ethiopia, although there are numerous small-scale and medium industries which use lead-based raw materials that may pose health risks to workers, there are no workplace regulations for lead exposure. Moreover, there are ...
Since dye effluents discharged from different industries lead to environmental contamination, their treatment and remediation method is highly desired. Due to the limitation of physical methods like adsorption, the ...
Understanding farmers’ strategies in the management of on-farm tree diversity is vital for the
successful implementation of agro forestry development. However, the existing local knowledge
on managing trees in agroforestry ...
We have analyzed the squeezing and statistical properties of the light produced by one-mode subharmonic generator coupled to thermal reservoir. We first obtain c-number Langevin equation with the aid of the master equation. ...
with animal development and health Officer and development agents of Bedele District were
used to identify the study sites. Twelve (30%) of the 41 kebeles in the district were selected
purposefully for this study. The ...
In this study we describe the third harmonic generation of GaAs cylindrical quantum
wire with applied magnetic field. The ground and exited state energy eigenvalue
of the system are calculated by solving the schrodinger ...
In this thesis, we discussed about the optical properties of three dimensional two
electron zinc oxide (ZnO) quantum dot in parabolic confinement. Quantum dots
are the minimum limit of low dimensional semiconductor systems ...
In this thesis, the Hamiltonian and wave functions of parabolic quantum wells with
applied electric field are developed. Then the Schrodinger ¨ equation is solved analytically and numerically for determining the energy ...
In this study, dispersive liquid-liquid micro extraction (DLLME) was developed for extraction
and pre-concentration of lead ion (Pb2+) prior to its quantitative determination by UV-Vis
spectrophotometer. The metal ion ...
Malnutrition is the most common health problem affecting both children and adults in Ethiopia. According to 2014 EDHS mini report nationally, 40 percent of children under age five are stunted, and 18 percent of children ...
The purpose of this study was to assess organizational and management factors that affect the football performance of youth projects in Jimma zone, selected Woreda. Cross-sectional research design was used and the data was ...
Saba negash; Babul Akhtar; Behailua zeleke(2020-08)
In Ethiopia critical background of football player’s (at national, regional, zonal and woredas
level competitions) have limited performance to compute against other nations and in the
countries competitions. There is no ...
The purpose of this thesis paper was to investigate the participation of female
students in sport competition in Jimma zone, Jimma town secondary schools in
Oromiya regional state. The main issues considered are females ...
Low-Lying states in the odd-mass Hg isotopes, (197,199,201)Hg, have been investigated in
the framework of the Particle Plus Tri-Axial Rotor Model (PTRM). To perform these calculations, the computer codes GAMPN, ASYRMO, ...
In this thesis the title Particle Tri-axial Rotor Model based on Calculation of the level
energy,gamma energy and intensity branching ratio for Odd isotopes of Indium ,the
behavior of Odd Isotopes of Indium ( 105-In, ...
Level energies, gamma transition energies and intensity branching ratios for low-lying
states of negative parity low-lying rotational bands of three odd mass Osmium isotopes ,175,177,181Os, were calculated within particle ...
The injury was defined as an incident occurring during a training session or a match and causing a soccer player to miss the following sessions. One important element in determining the causes of injuries and prevention ...
Phosphorus (P) is one of the major bioelements limiting agricultural production. Phosphate solubilizing fungi play a noteworthy role in increasing the bioavailability of soil phosphates for plants. The present study was ...
solubilising rhizobacteria associated with Coffea arabica L. in natural coffee forests of southwestern Ethiopia were investigated. The main purpose was to screen for potential microbial biofertilisers by assessing isolated ...
The stability of Cu2O nanoparticles due to the fast recombination rate of electron/hole pairs remains a significant challenge in its photocatalytic applications for water treatment. In this study, Cu2O/graphene nanocomposite ...