dc.description.abstract |
Background: “Youth”, “Adolescents “ and “young people “ are defined by WHO as the age
group between 15-24 years ,10-19 years and 10-24 years respectively. Today, over 1.8
billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 inhabit the world. The health threats for
adolescents today are predominantly behavioral rather than biomedical. One of the problem
for this service is providers lacked positive attitudes and competence to handle Youth
Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Objective: Evaluate the implementation level of Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive
Health Service at Jimma University student clinics in the year 2016
Methods: Case study design with quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted in
Jimma university student clinics in March 8-28, 2016. Focus of this evaluation was
process/implementation evaluation. For the assessment of client’s satisfaction of service, the
program clients were interviewed at exit consecutively until the required samples were
obtained (422). Focus group discussion (5), document review and provider compliance to
the guideline were observed (24). A total of 32 indicators were used: 12 for availability
dimension, 10 for compliance and 10 for accommodation dimensions. Data was analyzed
using SPSS for windows version 20 software. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic
regressions were computed to see the association of independent variables for client’s
satisfaction in the service. Qualitative data was transcribed, summarized in to major
thematic areas and was presented in to supplement the quantitative findings. The evaluation
findings were interpreted based on pre-determined judgment matrix with stakeholders
during Evaluability Assessment.
Result: All the three clinics included in this study regarding to availability 70.1% of the
required resources were available with fair in judgmental. About 71.6% of clinical and
counseling procedure was complied and the overall result for compliance fall under the
category of Fair. About 57.6% of clients were satisfied with youth friendly sexual and
reproductive health services provided by Jimma University Students clinics with Fair in
judgmental. Waiting time, peer-pressure and Residence were significantly associated with
overall client satisfaction with youth friendly in Jimma University Students clinics. Both
quantitative and qualitative result showed that Especially main campus clinic should arrange
separate room for each service providers; all clinics try to reduced waiting time as if
university students and improve the service hour of the clinics both Main and Agricultural
and life science clinics.
Conclusion and recommendation: overall implementation of the service was FAIR with
overall average achievement of 66.19% preset judgment criteria agreed with stakeholders.
All clinics try to reduced waiting time as if university students and improve the service hour
of the clinics both Main and Agricultural and Life Science campus clinics. All clinics should
be train all youth service providers and allocate the appropriate budget for all clini |
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