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anemia and associated factors among adult psychiatric patients in jimma medical center, jimma, south west, Ethiopia.

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dc.contributor.author Jemila Seid
dc.contributor.author Lealem Gedefaw
dc.contributor.author Eliyas Tesfaye
dc.contributor.author Wondimagegn Adissu
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-09T11:33:52Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-09T11:33:52Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06
dc.description.abstract Background: Anemia is the reduction in red cell mass and /or hemoglobin, resulting in the body’s inability to maintain the oxygen requirements which results in tissue hypoxia. Among the causes of anemia iron deficiency has a significant influence on cognitive development, intelligence, and developmental delay. Anemia is multi factorial and also associated with an increased risk of depression and other psychiatric disorders. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among adult psychiatric patients in Jimma Medical Center Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia. Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study was conducted among adult psychiatric patients who were on continuous follow up from April 10 -June 10, 2018, at psychiatric clinic in Jimma. Socio-demographic characteristics, clinical data and nutritional habit, were collected using a structured questionnaire based interview. Four (4) milliliter of EDTA anti coagulated venous blood was collected and analyzed for CBC by HUMACOUNT® 30TS (Wiesbaden Germany) and stool specimen was collected and examined for intestinal parasites. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Both bivariate and multi variate was performed. A p-value <0.05 was considered as statically significant. Result: -A total of 396 study participants were involved in the study. The overall prevalence of anemia among adult psychiatric patients was 11.9 % (47/396). The mean age of the study participants was 30.57 +7.03 years and the mean hemoglobin level was15.15 +1.94 g/dl. The frequency of anemia was higher among female 13.5% (n=15), patients with bi polar disorder (13.8%), illiterate 14.2 %( n=23), un employed 13.2 %( n=32), rural residence is 14 % ( n=33). Having intestinal parasite (p<0.001, AOR=6.535(3.193-13.373) and not eating green vegetable regularly (p=0.023, AOR=2.195, 95%CI (1.113-3.331) were significantly associated with anemia. Conclusion and Recommendations:- The overall prevalence of anemia among adult psychiatric patients was 11.9 % (47/396) which is found according to WHO (2011) classifications of public health significance of anemia between (5.0-19.9%) indicated that mild. Having intestinal parasite (p<0.001, AOR=6.535(3.193-13.373) and not eating green vegetable regularly (p=0.023, AOR=2.195, 95%CI (1.113-3.331) were significantly associated with anemia. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Anemia en_US
dc.subject psychiatric Patients en_US
dc.subject Risk factors en_US
dc.subject Southwest Ethiopia en_US
dc.subject Jimma en_US
dc.title anemia and associated factors among adult psychiatric patients in jimma medical center, jimma, south west, Ethiopia. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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