BACKGROUND: Students of higher institutions are assumed to be exposed to many risky sexual
behaviors. However, little has been explored about the magnitude of risky behavior and predisposing
factors in the context of higher education institutions in Ethiopia. Thus, the objective of this study was to
assess the pattern of risky sexual behaviors and predisposing factors among Jimma University students.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in November 2009 involving quantitative and
qualitative methods. The quantitative study was conducted on 1010 students selected by multistage cluster
sampling technique. The data were collected using self-administered questionnaire and analyzed using
SPSS V.16.0. Multi-variate logistic regression was used to see association between variables. The
qualitative part involved 10 focus group discussions and 17 key-informant interviews selected
purposively. The qualitative data were analyzed by thematic areas.
RESULTS: Among the respondents, 267(26.9%) ever had sexual intercourse. The mean age at first
sexual intercourse was 17.7±2.7 years. Most, 75.6%, started sexual intercourse during secondary school.
Among whoever had sex, 51.0% had sex in the last 12 months and 28.3% had multiple sexual partners.
Consistent condom use with non-regular partner in the last 12 months was 69.1%. Lack of parental
control, substance use, peer pressure, campus and outside environment were identified as predisposing
CONCLUSION: Risky sexual behaviour such as having multiple sexual partner and sexual practice
without condom with non- regular partner exists. The university and local health bodies should work
together to address the identified risky behaviours with particular focus on Behaviour change