The main purpose of this study was to find out challenges and prospect of youth football
project in Bench Sheko zone case of Mizan aman city and Siz city. The research design
was a descriptive survey design. The researcher used the purposive sampling technique.
Thus, the subjects in the study were 50 football players from the two youth football project,
two coaches and four sport office employees were purposively selected. As a method of data
gathering tools; a questionnaire, interview, and observational checklist were employed. To
analyze the collected data, both qualitative and quantitative methods such as descriptive
statements and percentages, were in use respectively. The result of the study revealed that
According to the players, coach, key-informants responses and observation the following major problems are dominant in the study area, thus are Accordingly the training facilities and
equipment’s were not in the expected level for the trainees and coaches, the poor practice of
continuous support, follow-up, and supervision from the concerned bodies, poor preparation
of well-organized and not strengthened plan, lack of standard playground and, lack of using
supportive training aide, in general there is lack of scientific coaching method, lack of proper
coaching license have been considered as challenges affecting the effectiveness and prospects
of the youth football projects and absence of a unique selection criteria has been used in selecting trainees for the projects. As a general, to make the youth football project successful and
effective, greater emphasis had to be given to the youth football project and the concerned
body should provide the project sufficient facilities and equipment’s, coaches should be use
plan, apply better coaching style and sport office experts should attentively follow the training