The aim of this study was to assess the factors that affect development project in attaining
development plans the case of Shabe Sombo Woreda, Jimma Zone, Oromia Regional State,
Ethiopia. To this end, the study employed a descriptive survey design, which involves a mixed
research approach. Important data for the study was collected from both primary and secondary
sources. Methods of data collection involve: questionnaire, key informant interviews and focus
group discussions were utilized for collecting data depending on the objectives of the study. The
findings of the study showed that the challenging factors for the success of development projects
mainly depended on government officials, government employees, and the community as a
whole. The findings of the study also indicated that the challenges of development projects on
woreda’s development plan success were influenced to highly. In one way or another,
development plan is challenged by development projects. The intended Woreda’s development
plan via water, health, education, roads, and agriculture is mainly challenged by failure of the
development projects. The findings of the study showed that the stakeholders’ participation in the
woreda’s development projects implementation is weak. The study recommends that to
achieve the development plan of the Woreda, the development project needs the cooperation and
collaboration of all stakeholders (government officials, government employees, and the
community as a whole)