The purpose of this study stands to assess governance in education sectors making its topic ‘‘an
assessment of the prevalence and effectiveness of good governance in education sector: the case
of Ilu Abba Bor Zone selective districts’’. This study used descriptive design and using probabil ity and non-probability sampling technique, 1st the Zone was selected purposively, 2nd its 13
woreda and 1towns education sectors were clustered into 5 groups then 5 woreda education sec tors were selected by lottery method out of 13 woreda education office. Five secondary schools
were selected purposive sampling method. While 216 education official workers and five sec ondary school community (teachers, students family and school committee (PTA)) were selected
by proportional quota random sampling while five leaders of each of education sectors and five
Kebele chair persons were selected by purposive sampling techniques from the five towns name ly metu, gore,uka, yayo&nopa. Qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed by narrating the
opinions of the interviewees or by direct quotation of their voice whenever necessary to supple ment the qualitative data. Data analysis showed that, background of respondent’s sex, age, mari tal status and education level were discussed in the table. Regarding to the factors hinders of the
prevalence and effectiveness of good governance in education sectors of the study area on the
sectors, students and school community, it is loss of quality of education, lack of creativity stu dents in class room, lack of circle quality of education,lack of service provision, lack of perfor mance teachers, lack of sufficient library, shortage of laboratory, shortage of reference book and
shortage of resources. Additionally the study result indicates challenges of good governance im plementation in study site were: lack of community participation, lack of accountability, lack of
transparence, lack of efficiency and effectiveness in education sectors of the study area. Fur thermore, the study result indicates management strategy after inadequate quality of education
were faced lack ofcircle quality of education awareness, absences of organize body to look after.
Finally, the study came up with the ensure quality of education the education sectors of the se lective districts back to seen their works, properly use circle quality of education in secondary
school, use of circle quality of education is not enough for sustain quality of education, lack of
participation, accountability, transparency and efficiency and effectiveness to use rules and reg ulations of circle quality of education andhow far good governance in prevalent and effective in
education sectors were major findings of the study. Conclusively, factorshindrance causes of
quality of educationandlack of principle good governance implementation. Additional principle
of good governance in education sector was very poor and bureaucratic as well as ensures qual ity of education regulation designed. Hence all factorshindrance of quality of educationandlack
of principle good governance implementation and circle quality of education regulation should
be given an attention by all school communities, Woreda administration head office, woreda ed ucation head office and Ilu Aba Bor administration office, NGO, Civil societies ,Oromia educa tion bureau and all concerned bodies collaboratively realize the principle of good governance
in the study area and ensure quality of education in the secondary school of the study area.