Background: Cervical Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and
represents a tremendous burden on patients, families and societies. It is estimated that over
one million women worldwide currently have cervical cancer; most of them have not been
diagnosed, or have no access to treatment that could cure them or prolong their lives. This
study aimed at investigated the potential risk factors affecting death time of women with
cervical cancer at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Method: Data were taken from patients’ medical record card that enrolled during
September 2011 to September 2015. Kaplan-Meier estimation method, Cox proportional
hazard model and Accelerated failure time were used for the analysis with the help of R
statistical package and STATA software’s.
Results: The Lognormal Accelerated failure time model was preferred over Exponential,
Weibull and Log-logistic models based on Akaike’s Information Criterion evidence. The
results implied that not giving birth up to the study ends were prolong the timing death of
cervical cancer patients while age class 51-60, 61-70,>70, smoking cigarettes, patients
with stage III & IV disease, family history of cervical cancer, history of abortion and
living with HIV AIDS were significantly shorten survival time of cervical cancer patients.
Conclusion: Finally, the findings of this study implied that age, smoking cigarettes,
region, stage, family history, abortion history, living with HIV AIDS and age at first birth
were major factors related to survival time of cervical cancer patients. It is recommended
policy maker, ministry of health and mass media to make interventions based on the risky
groups for cervical cancer.