Mohammed, Firdous, Jemal, Alemineh, Chemeda Alemu , and Chakeri Jibril , Sorsa, Alemu , and Chakeri(Advances in Civil Engineering, 2024-01-20)
Expansive clays pose significant challenges against transport infrastructures, particularly for lightweight structures such as roads and culverts. The cost of construction increases due to the need to transport selected ...
This study investigates the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools on the quality of healthcare delivery at Jimma University Medical Center (JMC), the only teaching and referral hospital in southwest ...
Expansive soils are problematic soil in many parts of the world, including Ethiopia. They are
characterized by their high swelling potential, which can lead to damage to lightweight
structures such as road embankments, ...
Malaria is a common parasitic disease spread by mosquitoes that is caused by protozoan known
as Plasmodium. Among different species, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are
being identified as the most lethal ...
Expansive soils are problematic soil in many parts of the world, including Ethiopia. They are
characterized by their high swelling potential, which can lead to damage to lightweight
structures such as road embankments, ...
Oxygen is a vital medical gas used to manage hypoxia resulting from various diseases, trauma,
and health conditions. Oxygen concentrators extract oxygen from the air, providing essential
support to patients with low ...
Degefa, Dita Deme; Mereke, Nebiyu Bogale(JMR(journal of Material Research, 2024-08-01)
This research article explores the comprehensive characterization of Mg8Si4 and Sr2Mg6Si8 systems,
delving into their structural, electrical, dynamical, optical, and thermoelectric properties. Employing
GGA and HSE06 ...
Chronic osteomyelitis, predominantly affecting the tibia bone stems from an inadequate
treatment of post-fracture, with high prevalence in developing countries. This study endeavors to
classify chronic tibia shaft ...
Road transport is an important sector of economic activity, especially in developing countries,
where it plays an essential role in providing access to health, education, agricultural inputs and
extension services. Due ...
Hawi Woldu; Bien Maunahan; Samson Yohannes(2024-03)
The construction industry in Jimma, Ethiopia, is of utmost importance to the region's
outcomes, as it substantially contributes to the expansion of construction. Nevertheless,
this industry continues to encounter ...
This research aims to evaluate the rutting and fatigue effects of as-built flexible pavements
using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Flexible pavements are commonly used in road
infrastructure due to their ability to ...
Muluken Azanaw; Bien Mercado; Frikot Mulatu(2024-09)
In Ethiopia, the construction industry is crucial to the nation's economic development,
with public building projects playing a significant role. However, the quality of these
construction projects has become a growing ...
Globally, there is a significant health burden associated with respiratory diseases for
instance, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects over 200 million
individuals, asthma impacts 235 million people, ...
Expansive soil present in its natural state at the construction site may not have suitable strength.
The Construction of pavement on expansive subgrade soil is highly risky because such soil is
susceptible to differential ...
Expansive clay soil is one of the most abundant soil types in Ethiopia; it primarily causes
significant damage to structures like buildings, pavements, and bridges. Some land areas in Jimma
City covered with expansive ...
Kassahun Gemechu; Bien Maunahan; Teshome Boja(2024-09)
The construction industry has recently faced increasing pressure to adopt sustainable
practices, particularly within small , medium and large sized enterprises (SMEs) in
developing regions like the Jimma Zone. Despite ...
Alemu Balcha; Anteneh Geremew; Mohammed Hassen(2024-03)
In road construction, expansive soils are the most common problem encountered in the world, as
well as in Ethiopia. To overcome these problems, the expansive soil needs to be stabilized by using
different techniques ...
Abduselam Aliyi; A. Venkata Ramayya; Fikru Sintayehu(2024-06)
This study investigates the use of a solar thermal baking system with a Scheffler reflector and
basalt rocks as an energy storage medium to meet the increasing energy demands for baking while
minimizing environmental ...
Wheat, as a global staple crop, is vital for food security, yet it remains highly susceptible to various
diseases that threaten its yield. Traditional methods of disease identification, which largely rely on
visual ...
Retina is a metabolically active part of the eye, in which eye specific and systemic
based diseases manifest themselves in it. Retinal imaging with fundus camera is pri marily technique to diagnosis common causes of ...