Survey of retrospective memory data of layers distributed from 2015-2016 and on-farm
evaluation of bovan brown and Koekoek breedswere studied with the objective of
evaluatingadaptive and productive potential of Bovan Brown and Koekoeke exotic breeds
of chickens distributed in Omo Nada and Seka Chekorsa Woredas of Jimma Zone. A total
of 60 households among 120 that were involved in the project FSRE have participated in
the surveying study. Parallel with it, 23 bovan brown and 10 Koekoek were distributed in
Seka Chekorsa for each farmer for on farm study and monitored for six months by feeding
commercial feed for four months and homemade feed for two months.All data collected
were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS Version20). Theresults
obtained revealed that the Bovan Brown and koekoek layers placed on commercial ration
produced at the mean daily rate of 0.54 egg/day /bird and 0.42 egg/day /bird during the 4
months of feeding period respectively. Thus the results obtained indicated that the rate of
production of Bovan Brown placed on commercial layers ration was higher (P<0.05)
than that of Koekoek breed of chicken during the entire study of 4months.The Bovan
Brown placed on homemade ration produced daily rate of 0.65 egg/day /bird, while the
Koekoek placed on homemade ration produced daily rate of 0.60 egg/day /bird during the
2 months of feeding period.The results of the economic feasibility study reveals that there
was net profit difference of 128.2 ETB/ month between the use of commercial and
homemade ration at household level. Internal and External egg quality trait indicates
there were significance difference (p<0.05) on egg weight, albumin weight and shell
thickness. With suppermass of Bovan Brown Breed. In Summary as indicated in economic
feasibility farmers got better income when they fed homemade feed for their chicken. So,
preparing homemade feed by using vitamin premixes should be practiced for future.