Though Boye and Kitto wetlands have critical roles in providing a range of ecological and
socio-economic benefits, due to increasing anthropogenic disturbances, notably through
agriculture, settlement, intensive grazing, expansion of huge infrastructures, and brick making
they are changing in to mosaic of small habitats. On ground of such threats and rapid
degradation of the wetlands’ resources, the urgent need to manage this unique ecosystem is
necessary. However, decision makers cannot take management decisions based on intuition
alone, they need facts and values to feed the decision making process. Though other types of
values are often important, economic values are useful to consider when making economic
choices. For these wetlands various benefits are not recognized so far; particularly economic
value of the wetlands remains largely unexplored. Against this back drop this study
investigates whether peoples of the nearby community located around the wetlands are willing
to pay higher charge for improvements in fish stock abundance and water purification
attributes by assuming that other attributes affecting environmental quality of the wetlands
held constant. In this study choice experiment method (CE) was selected in preference to CVM
because it has the ability to disaggregate wetland improvements into underlying attributes. The
study carried out a Choice experiment among 120 randomly selected household heads of the
nearby community to estimate the value of improvement of the wetlands quality in terms of the
attributes selected. The data was analyzed using logistic regression model and derive
important issues concerning the preferences of households. Results confirm that the nearby
communities of the two wetlands have high levels of environmental concern and are willing to
pay for the improvement of the wetlands in terms of the attributes selected. The mean WTP for
fish stock improvement was estimated to be 5.04 ETB, and for improvements in water
purification it was 2.05 ETB. According to this result the most preferred attribute is fish stock
and therefore the most urgent action is to prevent further depletion of the fish stock and
increasing its abundance. Ordered logit regression was employed to capture how socio
economic characteristics of the respondents modify the effects of attributes on the probability
of choice. The regression model result revealed that among the variables used only
educational level of the respondent’s modifies the effects of attributes on the probability of
choice. Compensating surplus estimates which reflect overall willingness to pay for a change
from the status quo to alternative improvement scenarios were also calculated. The estimate
for the high impact improvement scenario was estimated to be 18.78 ETB, for medium impact
improvement scenario-1 39.6 ETB and for medium impact improvement scenario-2 it was17.3
ETB. The total benefits derived from three wetland management scenarios are aggregated over
the sampling frame. The net benefit estimates reveal that welfare maximization is achieved
under the medium impact improvement scenario-1(311,968.8 ETB), which provides higher
levels of Fish stock and buffer strip with sedge meadow to be planted at swath of 50 feet. The
value derived from these wetlands’ improvement scenarios is a way to estimate wetland
ecosystem benefits to people and allows financial experts to carry out a Cost-Benefit analysis.
Cost-Benefit analysis compares the benefits and costs to society of improvements to manage
the wetland ecosystems. However, this is beyond the scope of this study. One important
implication drawn from the study is that this partial or rapid economic valuation might be
enough to show trends or give an overview of the situation and be a valuable input from
economic valuation to the decision making process targeted at sustainable management of the
study wetland.