Land is a place from which human beings are exploiting a number of resources. Almost all
food production for the world population is derived from land, and the need to produce more
is increasing from time to time due to an increase in population. For increasing production,
either area under cultivation must expand or its productivity needs to increase .To this effect,
the way how farmers use the land influence the covering capacity of smallholder farmers to
external shocks. The main objective of the study was, therefore, to assess the contribution of
agroforestry to soil properties and livelihood improvement. In order to chick the Socio-economic
aspect of contribution of agro forestry practices to soil properties on there unit of land. The
survey data collection were carried out by using questionnaires, key informant interview and
observation methods .So as to carry out this assessment from total of 1131 HHs of the two
study site only 123 HHs were randomly selected by using the sampled size determination
techniques. For the soil physico-chemical properties undisturbed core and disturbed
composite soil samples were collected randomly with three replication at the depth of 0-15
and 15- 30cm from three different land management’s, agro forestry, cultivated and area
enclosure that were located on similar soil types and slope classes. The survey analysis
results showed that AF practices contributed the highest net income for rural livelihoods as
compared to cultivated and AE. The reason to this AF providing cereal crops, fodders and
fuel wood at the same time than others land use types. The major tree species preferred for
annuals and perennial crops yields improvement are Croton macrostachyus, Cordia africana
and Acacia abyssinica, in Hayise and Lisana study site respectively. Whereas majorities of
the respondent have negative response towards Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus
camaldulensis trees plantation due to its high soil nutrient extraction that leads to the
competition with annual and perennial agricultural crops. The soil analysis result revealed
that OC, OM, pH, AvP, Ca and CEC were significantly higher in the agro forestry as
compared to AE and cultivated land. This may be due to high erosion prevented capacity of
AF practices and addition of high plant biomass, litters, to the soil which enhances soil
fertility. But soil bulk density, were significantly lowest in the agro forestry as compared to
area enclosures and cultivated land. .In this study only limited socio economic data and
selected soil macro nutrients were considered. So, further research is required on detail socio
economic information, soil micro nutrients and biological soil fertility indicator.