Background: Worldwide about 11.1 million adults are co-infected with tuberculosis and human
immune deficiency syndrome. Seventy percent of co-infected people are living in sub-Saharan
Africa, 20% in South East Asia, 4% in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Ethiopia routine data
from 44 sites in the year 2005/6 showed 41% of tuberculosis patients were Human Immune virus
positive. Another routine data collected in 2006/7 showed that the co-infection was 31% from
Federal Minister of Health. These figures show the severity of the co-infection in the Country.
Evaluation Objectives: To identify gaps in creating linkage among Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS
collaborative activities in Jimma zone, Southwest Ethiopia, 2010.
Methods: The Evaluation was conducted in selected health facilities of Jimma zone. It was
facility based descriptive Cross sectional Implementation Evaluation. It was conducted in eight of
the 15 health facilities who implemented tuberculosis and human immune deficiency syndrome
collaborative activities. The dimensions were Compliance and Availability. The approach was
Formative aimed at improving the program with the involvement of stakeholders. The focus was
Process by assessing the Availability of inputs and linkage. The data collection methods were the
combination of expert interview, observation and document review. Supervisors and data
collectors were Tuberculosis and Human Immune Deficiency virus collaborative activity trained
health professionals which were previously trained at their work health facility. The analysis was
done on SPSS 16 version and descriptive analysis was done.
Results: Of the total 8 selected health facilities in Jimma zone 68% of health facilities had inputs
through out 2010 and of the total 1427 clients in Jimma zone 70% of the clients were linked.
The overall achievement of availability and Compliance dimensions were 68% and 70%
respectively. The resources recommended by the Guideline were available except trained Human
resource, Anti retro viral medication, Cotrimaxzole and Isoniazed drugs in some health facilities.
Conclusion and Recommendations: From the study even if the over all achievement was good
HIV and tuberculosis is very sensitive and creates social, economical and political crisis on the
country it needs special attention and it should followed critically.