Natural resources conflicts arise due to disagreements or inequitable access to, control
and use of natural resources. Competition for natural resources and lack of formal rules
and regulations to access natural resources can cause conflict. The causes of natural
resources conflicts can be divided into different types; however this review identified four
major causes; Rapid population growth, resource depletion, unequal resource access and
political instability. Countries have high value resources like timber, diamonds, gold; other
minerals and oil which are most susceptible for conflict. Since most of these resources are
non-renewable and can be exhausted when not be managed in sustainably. Insuring of the
involvement of gender in natural resource use conflict management can reduce resource
depletion. However, the participation of women in natural resources conflict management
issue might be limited by different factors such us gender inequality expressed in less
exposure to new technology and low participation in natural resource related decisionmaking. Strong encouragement and skill enhancement can strengthen women
participation in conflict resolution. Encouragement woman is crucial at all levels of society
from grass root to national leadership. Full participation of women at all levels;
particularly in decision-making related to natural resource issue is very important.
Promoting gender equality in the policies to enhance natural resource management and
resolve when conflicts arise and protect at early stages. Institutions need to ensure that
women’s and men’s concerns and of natural resource use conflicts.