Diabetes mellitus was perceived as the problem of the developed world but currently developing countries like Ethiopia are suffering chronic diseases of which
diabetes is the major one. The objective of the project is to provide easy access for the patient to check their blood glucose level in their own premises without
wasting their valuable time at hospitals. The patient will be informed about the action they have to perform in accordance with their glucose content it will be
related to their medicine they have to consume. In the rural areas the people would be having only limited access of clinics so by this paper explain the patient can
anytime measure their glucose level with proper suggestions. In the existing glucometric technique the patient would only measure the glucose level but for the
suggestion they have to consult with the doctors or physicians but in this setup the machine would itself suggest for what are the measures they have to take to
make glucose level under control. In addition to this the rate of diabetes in urban and rural area will be investigated using random sampling method