Majority of Ethiopian population are engaged in agricultural activities instead of on off farm
activities like ecotourism as a result natural resources are exposed to extreme degradations.
Ecotourism could be as a good example of alternative income generation and off-farm activities
which benefit local communities while achieving the conservation goals of natural resources.
The potentials and challenges of ecotourism implication for sustainable natural resources
management were assessed in Sheka Biosphere Reserve (SBR), South West Ethiopia using
survey questionnaires, document analysis and field observation. Data information was
collected 120 household heads living around the Biosphere reserve using structured
questionnaire. Volunteer elders were intervied while focus group discussions were conducted
with key informants. In addition to these field observations were held for Ecourism potentials
using camera trape, digital camera and GPS.The data collected by above methods were
analized by the help of Stastical package for social science (SPSS version 21). The findings of
this research revealed that, the Sheka Biosphere reserve is endowed with attractive land
scenery, Fauna and flora species, amazing caves and water falls, Mountain Lake covered by
bamboo trees and indigenous culture of the local community makes the area as ecotourism
destination for feature ecotourism development. About 50 mammals, 254 birds, 39 natural
caves and 70 waterfalls and 1 Mountain lake have been recognized. The high reliance of local
communities on Biosphere reserves resources, soil fertility reduction, market problems for their
products and absence of ecotourism activities are identified as the major socio economic
problems of the locals and further threats of natural resources of the area. Introducing
additional more options or ecotourism and development of basic infrastructures are important
strategic directions for sustainable management of natural resources for Sheka Biosphere