Background: Health professional job satisfaction determines the effectiveness and efficiency of
human resource for health to the large extent. Job satisfaction is said to be linked with different
factors; including socio-demographic factors, Compensation, working environment, job
recognition, Development opportunities and Relationship between employees and management.
Previously very few studies have been conducted on job satisfaction in Ethiopia, So, this study
was attempted to address those gaps in the literature by focusing on all categories of health
professionals and hospitals which are found in rural and district setting.
Objective: To assess job satisfaction of health Professionals working in West Hararge Public
hospitals and factors associated with their level of satisfaction in the year 2013.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted by using Self-administered structured
questionnaire. Variables for socio demographic characteristics and factors related to job
satisfaction were included in this study. All 182 health professionals who were in their duty
during data collection were responded to this survey. Data was analyzed by using, Statistical
package for social science version 16 computer software. Median value from sum score were
taken to determine level of Job satisfaction values less than median values. 49]. the association
between predictors and the outcome were measured by using multiple logistic regression at 0.05
significance level and 95% confidence interval. Ethical clearance was obtained from Ethical
Committee of Jimma University, College of Public Health and Medical sciences.
Result: Health professionals working in West Hararge public hospitals were mostly not satisfied
with their job, only 36.8 were satisfied. There is no significant association between sociodemographic characteristics and job satisfactions. Among job related factors compensation and
benefit AOR=3.96 (95% CI: 1.99, 10.49), recognition AOR=9.13 (95% CI: 3.28, 25.45), and
working environment AOR=5.20 (95% CI: 1.46, 18, 57) were shows significant association with
job satisfaction. Development opportunity and relationship with management were not
significantly associated with job satisfaction.
Conclusion: Nearly two thirds of health professionals working in west Hararge zone public
hospitals were not satisfied with their job and job related factors. Compensation, benefit,
recognition and poor work environment are the main factors that were found to influence job
satisfaction. Managers of these hospitals and Oromia regional Health Bureau should reinforce
appropriate strategies related to health professionals which improve their compensation, working
environment and on implementation of performance based recognition and awarding system.