Background: Ethiopia has one of the largest populations of HIV infected people in the world,
with an estimated 1.1 million people living with HIV in 2009. Anti Retroviral Therapy program
is one of the interventions to avert HIV/AIDS. The final goal of the Anti Retroviral Therapy
programme is to reduce HIV related morbidity, mortality, and mitigate the impact of the AIDS
epidemic. To achieve these goals continuous supply management of Anti Retro Viral drugs is
the main component. Effective Anti Retro Viral drugs distribution enable every HIV/AIDS
patient who needs Anti Retro Viral drugs to get and use as required. The interest of stakeholders
and unavailability of such previous study in the area initiated us to conduct this evaluation.
Objective: This evaluation aimed to assess the level of implementation of Anti Retro Viral
drugs distribution service in terms of availability of resources, compliance of the activities to
national protocols and accommodation of the services.
Methods: Case study design employing both quantitative and qualitative methods was
conducted in Jimma Zone. The health facilities were selected using simple random sampling
technique. Data collection methods were exit interview, document review, observation and
expert interview. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS software. Qualitative data was
analyzed manually and summarized into key thematic area. The achievement of the program
was judged based on judgment matrix developed with stakeholders.
Results: The availability of resources in the study area was 81.64% and judged as medium
achievement. Some of key Standard Operating Procedure forms, Anti Retroviral Therapy
trained pharmacy professionals, inventory control system and counseling guidelines were not
available in some of the facilities. The compliance to national standards was 77.2% and judged
as medium achievement, and the utilization of the key Standard Operating Procedure forms and
using inventory control system both at dispensary and storage area was low. The
accommodation of the service was 96.55% and judged as high achievement according to the
rating parameter. The overall implementation of the program was 81.87% and judged as
medium achievement.
Conclusion: The resources needed and recommended by guidelines were available except Anti
Retroviral Therapy trained pharmacy professionals and guidelines for counseling in some of
health facilities. The utilization of key Standard Operating Procedure forms such as expiry date
tracking chart, Anti Retro Viral drugs dispensing and consumption summary and stock record
card was not low. Training of pharmacy professional on basic Anti Retroviral Therapy, making
available the key Standard Operating Procedure forms and designing mechanisms to guarantee
their utilization were the main recommendations.