Low-Lying states in the odd-mass Hg isotopes, (197,199,201)Hg, have been investigated in
the framework of the Particle Plus Tri-Axial Rotor Model (PTRM). To perform these calculations, the computer codes GAMPN, ASYRMO, and PROBAMO were used. Thereby,
all 15 negative-parity single-neutron orbitals in the deformed, N = 82–126, shell
were taken into account and the standard set of Nilsson parameters κ and µ was employed. Theoretical calculations of the nuclear structure parameters, like Level Energies, Gamma Transition Energy, Transition Intensity (Branching ratio), Electromagnetic
transitions(EM1 and EM2) and Magnetic transitions BM1 were made. The intrinsic
and collective states are determined by using the deformed mean field of Nilsson and
the monopole-pairing interaction (BCS). The level schemes of odd-mass Hg isotopes,
(197,199,201)Hg, are discussed and compared with the already existing experimental data.
In all aspects of the considered calculations, the result were in a reasonably good agreement with the already existing experimental data with an error less than 8% in av