The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of advertisement on customer satisfaction of
Oromia Broadcasting Network. The study use quantitative approach and done different
correlation and regression analysis tools. This research is both descriptive and explanatory type
research. Both primary and secondary methods of data collection are applied
and questioner is used as a source of secondary data. The population of the study was One
Hundred Thirty (130). By employing census survey method, all 130 customers/respondents from
the marketing departments of each target group were taken as sample of this study. Both
descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to find mean score
and to test hypothesis and to investigate research problem, objectives and questions. Among the
questionnaires distributed to the sample respondents 125 (96%) of them were correctly filled and
responded. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments and were pretested
using a pilot study for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using simple percentages,
Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and linear regression by the help of Statistical
tool SPSS. According to the finding of this study shows that effect of advertisement factors of OBN
was found at low level, it was discovered that Inadequate strategic market plan, not making
audience/ market research ,lack of adequate monitoring & evaluation and staff skill are the main
factors. Moreover, the Findings indicate that there is significant relationship between good
advertisement factors and customer satisfaction in OBN, Message of advertisement has a
significant contribution with a sig value of 0.000, while objective of ad, informativeness of ad and
credibility of ad are insignificant contributor since their sig value of 0.043, 0.451 & 0.240
respectively are greater than 0.01 p value. Thus in order to improve the current status of
advertisement factors in a way to have good contribution towards customer satisfaction, close
monitoring & supervision of managements towards preparation of strategic market plan and its
implementation with a consistent platform creation of customer were forwarded as