This paper sought to assess the ef ect of risk management practice on transportation service
safety of Jimma zone south western Ethiopia.The researcher used descriptive and explanatory
research design. A stratified sampling technique was used to select employees from transport
agency and police traf ic and purposive sampling techniques was used to select key informants
for interview. The total population of the study were 314. using Yemanes’ sample size
determination a sample of 176 respondents were selected. The main instrument for collecting
primary data was questionnaire and interview. As secondary data source transportation risk
statistics and yearly of icial reports were used. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and
inferential statistical analysis, descriptive statistical like frequency, mean, standard
deviation.Inferential analysis like correlation, regression and ANOVA was used to explain the
relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. The findings of the study on
the ef ect of transportation risk management practice in terms of establishing the context, risk
identification, risk analysis, risk response /risk control/, monitoring and review were poorly
practiced, which means the existing risk management practice were not meaningfully
contributing to transportation service safety. The study point out transport agency and police
traf ic should give attention on the risk management practice through implementing the whole
risk management process in order to maintain the risk management practice ef ective and
contribute to the improvement of transportation service safety