Introduction: Throughout the world many adults, and some children, spent most working hours
at work. While at work, people face a variety of hazards almost as numerous as the different
types of work, including chemicals, biological agent, physical factors and adverse ergonomic
conditions among others. Cobble stone workers suffer from several types of disorders in their
daily life; among them musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) is one of the prime one. MSD occurs
gradually over a relatively long period of time of exposure to the corresponding contributing
Objective: Occupatoinal health hazard assessment on cobble stone in Jimma town.
Method and material: Cross sectional survey was conducted on 77 workers in Jimma town,
from February 8-15, 2013. Face to face interview with structured questionnaire as well
observation was used to collect the data. In addition to this, cultural value on the sensitivity
nature of issue was given attention during data collection.
Result: According to this study, most of (72.72%) cobble stone workers were between 15-24
years of age, 94.81% are literate, 0n the working process, cobble stone workers were exposed to
different occupational hazards such as sun radiation 62 (80.5%), excessive noise 58(75.32%),
injury by sharp materials 58(75.32%), pinch point hazard 38(48.35%), frequent lifting
65(84.41%), and excessive twisting or bending 77(100%). work place was provided to them by
Jimma city municipality and there is no any provision of PPE by government or volunteer
Conclusion and recommendation: From the study finding, it can be concluded that
occupational health hazard was common among the study population. Thus, it is mandatory to
provide proper work place by Jimma city municipality and small scale industry in cooperation ,
and PPE should be provided by volunteer organization, health and safety protection office and
Jimma town municipality.