The prisoners’ rights to adequate standard of living is one of the prisoners’ fundamental human
rights recognized under international human rights law. The protection of this right is required
and guaranteed by various international and regional legal instruments such as, UDHR, ICCPR,
ICESCR, ACHPR, and other relevant instruments. In Ethiopia, both the FDRE and the SNNPRS
constitution guaranteed the prisoners right to adequate standard of living. This right also gets
important attention under specific legislations both at Federal and SNNPRS level.
Accordingly, the objective of this research is to assess the prisoners’ rights to adequate standard
of living, which include the prisoners’ right to food and water, right to adequate health care
services, the right to accommodation, the right to sanitation, the right to bedding and clothing in
Yem Special Woreda Saja Prison Institute. The study, additionally, examines the performance of
public prosecutors on the enforcement of the above-mentioned prisoners’ rights. In order to
achieve the research objectives, the researcher employed both questionnaire and interviews with
different key informants. Accordingly, the finding of the study shows that, in the study area, the
food provision in the prison institute is inadequate both in its quality and quantity. There is no
provision of separate food items for detainee having health problems. Regarding accommodation,
the dormitories are not well equipped with sleeping facilities. There is no adequate bedding
service. There is no mattress and sheet service. There is no clothing service. The dormitories are
overcrowded with insufficient entrance of natural light and fresh air. The sanitary facility of the
prison institute is also not adequate. Further, prisoners are not getting adequate sanitary facilities
to keep their person and cloth clean. And the performance of public prosecutors on the
enforcement of the above prisoners’ rights is very limited. The study, finally, makes
recommendations that different measures to be considered by the SNNPR Government, Regional
Prison Administration Commission and Yem Special Woreda Saja Prison Institute to enhance the
effective implementation of prisoners’ right to adequate standard of living in Saja Prison Institute.