This study aims to assess school sport and its impact on the development of athletes by
focusing on some selected primary schools in five woredas of Jimma Zone. Specifically the
study explored school sport variables; sporting activities, school competition, sport club
activities and sport programs and associated challenges at primary schools second cycle
grades (Grade 5-8) and its contribution for the development of athletes. In other words, the
study is tied to address why school sporting activities and school competition, which would
have been the source of talent identification and recruitment, are less visible and less vibrant
these days. A survey design was adopted to address the research problem. Quantitative data
was collected through questionnaires from 81 study subjects comprising school principals,
sports teachers and Woreda sports officers. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools such
as frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square and analysis of variance were
employed to answer basic research questions. The result generally reveals that school sport
is lacking due attention. Sporting activities observed were few and its practice was poor. The
competition was also rare and seldom include athletics. Lack of trained sport teachers, lack
of support from school and woredas and lack of sport facilities were also affected school
sport. Thus schools are increasingly playing diminishing role in the development of youth
athlete. For school sport to have a positive impact on the development of athletes
stakeholders should work addressing the challenges.